The Power of the Seed

Week 5: Life Seed

Small Group Lesson

Big Idea: Over the past several weeks we’ve discussed various seeds you can sow to see a harvest both in this life and in eternity. Your words, your worship, and your generosity are all powerful seeds you can sow but there’s another seed that’s more valuable. It’s you! The greatest seed you can sow is not your words, your worship, or your gift - it’s your life! Your life is a seed that when planted produces a harvest. Where you choose to plant yourself and invest your time, treasure, and talent determines the fruit you produce. 

Key Scripture: John 12:23-26 (NLT) - Jesus replied, “Now the time has come for the Son of Man to enter into his glory. I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives. Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity. Anyone who wants to serve me must follow me, because my servants must be where I am. And the Father will honor anyone who serves me.

Some principles we need to know before we dive into our lesson today: 

  • The Principle of Free Will - God has given us the gift of free will. We get to choose what we do, where we go, who goes with us, what we eat, etc. We are in charge of our lives but we often underestimate the power of free will in our lives. 
  • The Place, the People, and the Philosophy we plant ourselves in, will determine our fruit. 
  • It’s possible to leave this life without any real or true fruit. 
  • Fruit glorifies God! - John 15:8 
  • Fruitfulness doesn’t happen by accident but by intentionality.

1. In what PLACE will you plant your life? 

We are all born in a certain geographical place into a certain family. But many of us move from our birthplace to other places in our lifetime for various reasons. For some, God called them to move. Like Abraham or Joseph, the voice of the Lord led them to leave the place they were in to go to a place He had for them. An important thing to remember is that God won’t bless us in a place He hasn’t asked us to be, just ask Jonah. Where you plant yourself matters! 

The place we plant ourselves in, includes: 

  • The City you choose (Geography)
  • The Company you choose (Employment) 
  • The Family you choose (Legacy) 

Discussion Questions: Where were you born? If you’re not a LA native, what brought you to the area? What is the “place” God has called you to plant yourself? Is it a certain profession or school campus?

2. In what PEOPLE will you plant your life? 

The Apostle Paul was very clear regarding the people God had called him to reach, the Gentiles. Peter was called to the Jewish people. They both planted themselves in these people groups and produced incredible fruit of disciples as a result. Ruth, a widow, was given the choice to either return to her people or to follow Naomi, her mother-in-law. She chose to follow Naomi and make Naomi’s people her people. Little did she know this choice would cause her seed to be named in the lineage of Christ! We have to understand who God has called us to and to intentionally plant ourselves in their lives. 

The people we plant ourselves in includes: 

  • Our Spouse 
  • Our Children - It’s important to know you can have children but not have a legacy if you don’t plant yourself into them! 
  • Our Friends 

Discussion Questions: Who are the people in your life in this season you’re to invest in? (Family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc.) If you’re a parent, are you being intentional and investing yourself and your values into your children? Or are you living in auto-pilot mode and just surviving? For those who don’t have kids, think about someone in your life growing up that invested in you and produced lasting fruit in your life. Who were they? And what did they do to invest in you, impacting you in a positive way?

3. In what PHILOSOPHY will you plant yourself? 

We get to choose the philosophies we allow to shape our life's decisions and ultimately determine the trajectory of our life. What philosophy will you ascribe to and let the roots of your life be embedded in? As believers, we are to anchor our lives in the Scriptures and the truth of the Word of God! 

Philosophies we plant ourselves in include: 

  • Our Trust in God - Jeremiah 17:7-8 
  • The Love of God - Ephesians 3:17 
  • The Presence of God - Ezekiel 47:12 
  • The Person of Christ - John 15:5-6 
  • The Local Church - Psalm 92:12-14 

Discussion Questions: What are some wrong philosophies you planted your life in previously that didn’t produce the fruit you desired? In the list of philosophies above, pick one that resonates the most with you & share why that particular philosophy is a fundamental value for you? In the list of philosophies above, is there one that you could benefit from growing in? For example, do you truly believe God loves you? Or do you feel like you have to earn His love? This is a core philosophy that can revolutionize your life if you accurately understand it! 

4. In what PURPOSE will you plant your life? 

There’s a greater purpose than all others and that is to fulfill the will of God! God the Father desires all to experience His love and forgiveness. Reinhard Bonnke’s purpose was to see Africa washed in the blood of Jesus. He devoted himself to preaching the Gospel and won over a million African souls! George Mueller wanted to help orphans in England and started an orphanage with a handful of children. Through his lifetime he cared for tens of thousands of orphans! 

Discussion Questions: What do you believe is your purpose in this season? What is the thing that drives you the most? The thing that gets you out of the bed in the morning and pushes through every obstacle, so that you achieve the desired outcome? 

5. You must CHOOSE your soil!

Don’t accidentally end up in a place, with people, adopting life-altering philosophies without seeking the Lord! Remember the soil you choose to plant yourself in will determine your fruit. Gary and Marilyn Skinner, Canadian missionaries, moved to Uganda after hearing the Lord speak to them about the orphan crisis there as a result of Aids. They began caring for the children and began Watoto Church in 1984. They planted themselves in the soil of Uganda and have produced a massive harvest of Ugandan fruit! 

Discussion Questions: What soil are you currently planted in? What are some soils you have planted in before that didn’t yield the fruit you desired? Have you accidentally ended up in the soil you’re in now? If so, what are some decisions you can make to place yourself in the right soil? (Place of employment, friendships, ministry outlets, etc.) 

6. You must INVEST yourself! 

Diligently invest yourself in the lives of others! Invite people over for dinner with the sole purpose of loving them. Lead a Bgroup and fulfill the purpose God has placed in your heart to develop disciples. Investing ourselves is a sacrifice, but is always worth it! We invest ourselves knowing God is the one who brings the increase! - 1 Corinthians 3:6-7

Discussion Questions: Who is someone you can invite over for dinner or grab a cup of coffee with where you can display the love of God for them? Have you considered leading a Bgroup next semester? If you feel God leading you to step out, do it! Invest yourself into the lives of others and see what He can do with your “yes!” 

Conclusion: Our life is a valuable seed that can produce an incredible harvest of fruit, if we will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and His leading. We can see the lives of those around us impacted for all eternity by intentionally sowing ourselves. Remember the soil we choose to plant ourselves in will determine our fruit. Don’t sow haphazardly or without purpose. Choose your soil wisely and watch the Lord produce fruit that will remain!

The Power of the Seed

Discover the profound impact that small actions can have when sown in faith. Just as a tiny seed has the potential to grow into something far greater, so too do the seeds of generosity, worship, and our words. This series explores the biblical principles of sowing and reaping, and how the seeds we plant today shape our lives and those around us tomorrow.

5 Week Small Group Lesson Series.

Related Content: Series - The Power of the Seed


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