Key Scripture: “You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” 2 Corinthians 9:11
The Big Idea: There is so much power in our generosity because where our treasure is, there our heart will be also. The devil understands this, and fears what God will do with our generosity, so he tries to tell us lies to dissuade us from giving. First, he tries to convince us that “what I have won’t make a difference.” Second, he tries to tell us we might need those finances “just in case.”
Truth: God works through Plans, Visions, and Dreams
Plans start with what we already have. Based on what God has already put in your hands, what could you do with that? Planned giving works similar to any other planned expense. How much of your income are you able to set aside each month and dedicate to the Lord’s purposes? Start there.
Vision can happen only after you work your plan. This happens when, in addition to what’s already in your hands, you ask God, “What is in your hands that you could release into my hands for the furtherance of your kingdom?” What vision is God asking you to have faith for that you can’t accomplish on your own?
Dreams are the greatest gift you could ever give to God. It is the destination your vision is moving you towards. It’s when you tell God, “If you ever allowed me the resources, I would do ______ for your Kingdom.”
Discussion Question: What’s your next step in your generosity journey? Share your plans, visions, and dreams with the group. Where is God challenging you? Take time to pray over each goal as a group.
Truth: Faith-filled generosity will release God’s miracle
So often we believe the lie of “just in case”. All throughout scripture we see human beings question the promises of God and attempt to take control of their circumstances in their own power.
Discussion Question: How has the enemy tried to attack you with this lie? What promise has God spoken to counteract that lie?
Discover the profound impact that small actions can have when sown in faith. Just as a tiny seed has the potential to grow into something far greater, so too do the seeds of generosity, worship, and our words. This series explores the biblical principles of sowing and reaping, and how the seeds we plant today shape our lives and those around us tomorrow.
5 Week Small Group Lesson Series.
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