The Power of the Seed

Week 2: Worship Seed

Small Group Lesson

Big Idea: Worship isn’t a genre of music or the slower songs before the sermon on a Sunday morning. Worship is a powerful seed that always produces a harvest! In the Bible, we see accounts of three women worshiping their King in extravagant and beautiful ways. A woman in Galilee at a Pharisee’s home, another in Bethany at the Leper’s house, and a third in Bethany at Mary’s house. Whether these women were sinners, not well-known, or dear friends of Jesus, they each chose to worship Him based on His worth. Their stories of worship are still being talked about today! 

Key Scripture: Matthew 26:6-13 (NLT) - Meanwhile, Jesus was in Bethany at the home of Simon, a man who had previously had leprosy. While he was eating, a woman came in with a beautiful alabaster jar of expensive perfume and poured it over his head. The disciples were indignant when they saw this. “What a waste!” they said. “It could have been sold for a high price and the money given to the poor.” But Jesus, aware of this, replied, “Why criticize this woman for doing such a good thing to me? You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me. She has poured this perfume on me to prepare my body for burial. I tell you the truth, wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman’s deed will be remembered and discussed.”

The Motivation for Worship

Behind all worship is motivation. It’s possible to be around Jesus and not have the desire to worship. These women were each drawn to Him and to worship Him for these four reasons: 

1. They saw Him as worthy.  The women's motivation to worship Jesus was rooted in their revelation of Him! They encountered His great mercy, power, and love that changed their lives forever. 

2. They were deeply grateful.   The women knew they were sinners in need of forgiveness and were grateful to be forgiven! The more self-righteousness you hold, the less love you have for Jesus. 

3. They wanted to serve Him.  Their gratitude produced in them a desire to express their love for Him! 

4. They wanted to be close to Him.  They desired to be close to Him to continue in their relationship with Him. 

Discussion Question: What is your motivation for worship? What makes Him worthy to you?

The Obstacles of Worship 

There will always be obstacles to our worshiping Jesus. There may be times when we don't see the value or think it’s important. But we must push through every obstacle because He is worthy! Four common obstacles we encounter are:

1. People’s perspectives.  Everyone has a different perspective and outlook regarding worship. The opinions of others can keep you from worshiping if you allow them to. Don’t allow the opinions of others or the fear of man keep you from worshiping. Remember it’s not for them anyway! 

2. It’s not important.  It was customary in Bible times for the host to welcome their guests with honor and hospitality. They would offer water to wash their feet after traveling on dusty roads. They would greet them with a kiss and offer olive oil to anoint their heads upon entering the home. When Jesus entered Simon’s home, he didn’t offer this welcome to Jesus because he didn’t deem it necessary or important. His familiarity with Jesus kept him from showing the honor Jesus deserved! 

3. It’s not appropriate.  When the woman came into Simon’s home and poured her expensive perfume on Jesus’ head, the men in the room became critical. They thought it was disgraceful and inappropriate because of who she was. 

4. It’s not a priority.  The disciples thought the perfume should’ve been sold and money given to the poor. They thought her act was excessive and wasteful. Their priorities were out of order. Jesus allowed the woman to express her love through her worship! 

Discussion Question: Which of these obstacles do you face personally? How can you make worship a priority in your life? What are some practical changes you can make so that your actions reflect your priority or value for worship? 

The Harvest of Worship 

All true worship always finds its way to the feet of the King! Worship is a seed and there’s always a harvest! We see a harvest in these three areas: 

1. Immediate harvest  The fragrance of the perfume filled the room where Jesus and the disciples were meeting. There was an immediate change in the atmosphere when worship was expressed! 

2. Long-term harvest  Their choice to worship wasn’t limited to a moment in time. Their stories are still teaching  countless millions the importance of worship each time the Bible is opened and read! 

3. Eternal harvest If Jesus remembers the ones who give a cup of cold water surely He will never forget the one that anointed Him for burial. These are some other seeds of worship we should consider as well: 

  • Solomon - He worshiped and the glory fell. 
  • David - He danced and set the culture for the Kingdom. 
  • Paul - He worshiped in the prison and the walls came down. 
  • Job - He worshiped and it became an example in heaven. 

Discussion Question: Can you recall a time when your worship produced a harvest in your life? Share a little about that experience with the group. How does the revelation of worship producing an immediate, long-term, or eternal harvest impact your life and how you worship? 

Conclusion: Worship is a seed we sow that produces a harvest in this life and the life to come! We worship based on who He is and all He has done. We worship because He is worthy! No worship is ever wasted, so be extravagant and express your love to your King knowing He is the recipient of it all!

The Power of the Seed

Discover the profound impact that small actions can have when sown in faith. Just as a tiny seed has the potential to grow into something far greater, so too do the seeds of generosity, worship, and our words. This series explores the biblical principles of sowing and reaping, and how the seeds we plant today shape our lives and those around us tomorrow.

5 Week Small Group Lesson Series.

Related Content: Series - The Power of the Seed


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