The Power of Stay

Jonathan Stockstill


Power Family

What does it take to have a true POWER FAMILY in the world today? Join us for this special series as we chat through important topics like having a successful marriage, creating a house of peace, and raising champions.

3 Part Series

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Full package also available on Dropbox.

Assets & Files

Part 1: The Power of Stay

Marriage is a journey! In this first installment of our series, Power Family, learn how God views marriage and how to apply Biblical principles to flourish as a couple.

Part 2: Raising Champions

We get it, parenting can be roller-coaster... join us to learn the secret to creating strong foundation for your family which will establish a long lasting legacy!

Part 3: In the Mix

Being in a mixed family can be a unique journey! Let's discover what the Bible says about being in a blended family from the perspective of the book of Ruth.

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