Youth Small Group Series

04. God the Father - Loving and Perfect

Small Group Lesson

Many teenagers—even ones raised in relatively stable two-parent households—have misconceptions about what it means to see God as a father. Because of their life experience, God can seem like a distant father who’s out of touch, or a father whose love is inconsistently expressed, or a father who cannot be trusted. But the story of God recorded in Scripture shows us again and again how God is a loving and perfect father. God cares for us more than any earthly father could, and he has created us to have a relationship with him. This lesson will help teenagers consider what it means to see God as their Heavenly Father who loves them with a perfect love.

Lesson Objectives

  1. WHAT: Because of God the Father’s incredible love for us, we can have an intimate relationship with him, even though he is perfect.
  2. WHY: When teenagers understand how God the Father loves them deeply, they can more easily choose to trust him.
  3. HOW: Students will dig into Scripture that reveals who God is and discuss what it means to trust God more.

Primary Scripture: Matthew 7:7-11

Secondary Scriptures: Deuteronomy 32:1-4; Jeremiah 31:3; John 17:20-26

Let’s take some time to explore a few verses in the Bible that highlight how God is a loving and perfect Father.

1. God is a loving Father

What do you think is the hardest thing about being a parent? Why?

What do you think is the most rewarding thing about being a parent? Why?

Tell us about some specific ways your parents (or stepparents or guardians) show their love for you.

Why do parents sometimes have a tough time expressing their love to their kids?

When you think about these verses in Matthew 7, what’s easy to accept and what’s hard to accept about God’s love for you?

What is the connection between the ability to trust someone and the ability to experience love from someone?

When have you personally experienced God the Father “giving good gifts” to you?

The Bible says God loves you and me more than we can fully understand. God never gets tired of loving us. God has always loved us and always will. There is nothing we can do to make God love us more—and there is nothing we can do that will cause God to love us less.

2. God is a perfect Father

When you’re around someone who seems to do everything right, all the time, how does that make you feel?

Read Deuteronomy 32:1-4. In what ways is God “perfect”?

If it’s not really possible for any of us to be perfect the way God is perfect, why are there so many perfectionists in the world?

How would you explain to a little kid what it means to be “holy”?

In these verses from Deuteronomy, Moses reminds the people of Israel that God is holy and perfect in all his ways. Because God is perfect in every way, we can turn to him as the rock that will give us strength and stability as we follow Jesus. God the Father is perfect in all his ways, and you can be confident and trust that he is good.

BGroup Questions

  1. What’s something from today’s conversation that was especially surprising to you, and why?
  2. What makes it tough to trust God?
  3. How does God’s perfection impact your ability to feel loved by him?
  4. What does it look like for you to trust God?
  5. What’s it like to strive for perfection? What advice might Jesus have for perfectionists?
  6. The Bible tells us that God the Father absolutely, positively loves you—how have you experienced that love this week?

TAKE ACTION: Memorize this Scripture this week! “He is the Rock; his deeds are perfect. Everything he does is just and fair. He is a faithful God who does no wrong; how just and upright he is!” (Deuteronomy 32:4).

**Leaders, leave 3-5 minutes for prayer at the end of your group time. 

Youth Small Group Series

To fully understand the story of Scripture, we need to start at the beginning. Genesis gives us that window into God’s loving care for his creation and the freedom he gives his children is abundantly clear from the beginning. But Satan had plans to exploit that freedom and replace it with chains. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection reflect God’s full-circle plan to make things right after sin entered the world. When we approach Scripture and human history as a story, it helps us more clearly grasp what God has done and what God is doing today. This series will focus on God’s originally perfect plan, how humanity went off course, and how God is making things right again.

Small Group Lessons

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