Youth Small Group Series

01. How Things All Got Started

Small Group Lesson

When we look through the opening verses of Scripture, we immediately encounter God’s creative nature. And God didn’t create mediocre things—God created things that were good, even very good. This lesson will help teenagers explore the early chapters of Genesis and the goodness of God’s creation—including us.

Lesson Objectives

  1. WHAT: The beginning of the Bible points us toward God’s creative character.
  2. WHY: When teenagers grasp the beginning of God’s plan, it gives great insight into what Jesus did for us to restore God’s creation.
  3. HOW: By the end of this lesson, teens can have a greater appreciation for the creation around them, and they also can have a better understanding that Jesus has been there from the beginning pursuing a relationship with humans.

Primary Scripture: Genesis 1

Secondary Scriptures: Genesis 2:7; 2:21-22; Psalm 148

What an amazing start to the Bible! Let’s dig into this Scripture to discover more about God’s creative heart.

1. God is creative

Talk about the last time you were amazed by something in nature—maybe a stunning sunset, or a beautiful bird, or a rushing river.

How do beautiful things in nature point you to God’s creativity?

How do we as humans reflect God’s creativity?

Think about God’s creativity. God created everything out of nothing. God created some amazing things and saw that it was good. We create things, and sometimes it turns out good and sometimes it doesn’t. But God looked at his work and was pleased with how it came out. It was good!

2. God’s creation is good

We began today by creating things—tell us about something else you’ve created.

When you were done creating that other thing, how did you feel about your work?

How would you define the word good?

How do you determine if something is good?

What was it about God’s creation that made it good?

Look at verse 31—why is it significant that God didn’t call his creation “very good” until after he created humans?

Psalm 148:5 says, “Let every created thing give praise to the Lord, for he issued his command, and they came into being.” God’s creation is so good that it’s praiseworthy. Throughout the process of creation, God stopped and commented on how good it was. That statement shows joy and celebration in what God brought into existence. God was pleased with the world he had formed and the good things in it. Before humans, God described things as “good.” After his creation of humans, he said it was “very good.”

3. You were created by a God who creates good things

What is something good that you have seen another person create? [NOTE: If kids struggle with this question, guide them toward something simple, such as their favorite meal that their mom makes.]

What does that person’s creation reveal about him or her?

Look at verses 26 and 27—why is it important that we are created in God’s image?

Read Genesis 2:7 and 2:21-22. Why is it significant that Genesis says humans were created differently from other creatures?

Elsewhere in the Bible, we read that Jesus existed in the beginning, which means he was at the creation described in Genesis 1—what is Jesus “creating” in your life right now?

Genesis says humans were not spoken into existence like all the rest of creation—from the beginning God interacted with us differently. God breathed life into us, God formed us with his hands, and God created us in his image. Nothing else in creation has that privilege. You are created by a God who creates good things—and you are one of those good things God has created.

BGroup Questions

  1. Read Psalm 148. What emotions do you feel when you read this psalm?
  2. How would you describe the author’s connection with God, based on these verses?
  3. How does this psalm remind you of the creation account in Genesis 1?
  4. All parts of God’s creation are told to praise him and worship him—besides singing songs at church, how do you praise and worship God?

TAKE ACTION: Memorize this Scripture this week! “Let every created thing give praise to the Lord, for he issued his command, and they came into being” (Psalm 148:5).

*Leaders, leave 3-5 minutes for prayer at the end of your group time. 

Youth Small Group Series

To fully understand the story of Scripture, we need to start at the beginning. Genesis gives us that window into God’s loving care for his creation and the freedom he gives his children is abundantly clear from the beginning. But Satan had plans to exploit that freedom and replace it with chains. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection reflect God’s full-circle plan to make things right after sin entered the world. When we approach Scripture and human history as a story, it helps us more clearly grasp what God has done and what God is doing today. This series will focus on God’s originally perfect plan, how humanity went off course, and how God is making things right again.

Small Group Lessons

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