The Invitation

Your Divine Assignement

Small Group Lesson

Big Idea: The church is the body of Christ. The body has many parts and each part is vital and necessary! As the church, we each have an assignment to go into all the world and make disciples! There are various assignments and missions in the kingdom of God. Our team (the Church) wins when everyone carries out their assignment. 

Key Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:27-31 (NLT) 

All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it. Here are some of the parts God has appointed for the church: first are apostles, second are prophets, third are teachers, then those who do miracles, those who have the gift of healing, those who can help others, those who have the gift of leadership, those who speak in unknown languages. Are we all apostles? Are we all prophets? Are we all teachers? Do we all have the power to do miracles? Do we all have the gift of healing? Do we all have the ability to speak in unknown languages? Do we all have the ability to interpret unknown languages? Of course not! So you should earnestly desire the most helpful gifts.

Phillip was a deacon in the early church. In Acts chapter 6, we see Phillip chosen to help oversee the food program and care for widows. Phillip later became an evangelist. In Acts chapter 8, we see him preaching to crowds of people and performing miracles. We see evil spirits cast out and people physically healed as a result of his ministry. He had the gift of healing and shared that gift with others. Later in Chapter 8 we see Phillip’s encounter with an influential man from Ethiopia. We discover 5 tips to help us win the lost through this encounter. 

1. Obey God’s Voice 

Acts 8:26-27, 29-30

The Lord spoke to Phillip and told him to travel down the Gaza road. The voice of the Lord gave Phillip clear instructions but Phillip had to take a step in faith, believing his obedience to the Lord's directions would bring about a harvest. 

Discussion Question: Have you ever had a moment where you knew the Lord spoke something to you? How did you respond?

2. Find Someone Who Is Hungry

Acts 8:27-28

The Ethiopian Eunuch had traveled for miles and miles to visit the temple in Jerusalem and worship. He was hungry for God. When Phillip found the Eunuch, he was reading Isaiah 53, scriptures that depict for us in vivid detail the price Jesus paid for us so we could experience salvation. 

Discussion Question: What are some signs we can look for in those around us to let us know they’re hungry? (Examples: recently divorced, recipient of scary diagnosis from a doctor, financial hardship) 

3. Start A Conversation

Acts 8:30-31, 34-35

Phillip asked the man if he understood what he was reading. The Eunuch told

him, “no how can I unless someone instructs me?” When we are obedient to just begin conversations with people the Holy Spirit will open doors and guide us to bring the Gospel into that conversation. Jesus led by example in this when He encountered the woman at the well in John 4. 

Discussion Question: Are you one of those who “never meets a stranger” or is it hard for you to begin conversations with people? If it’s not easy for you, maybe start with a simple comment about the weather or something about the latest sports win by the local sports team. 

4. Use Scripture

Acts 8:35

When we bring the Word of God into the conversation, faith is sparked in the heart of those who hear. Maybe they share a tough battle they’re currently walking through with you. You can share Philippians 4:13 with them, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” 

Discussion Question: What are some of your favorite scriptures? Identify some you can use in your next conversation with people to encourage them. 

5. Help Them Make A Decision

Acts 8:36-40

As they passed by the water, the Eunuch said “what prevents me from being baptized?” Phillip shared the Gospel with the Eunuch and then he got down into the water and baptized him! We want to help people find Christ but our job isn’t done there. We can help them take their next step in their Christian walk. It may be baptism, complete Next Steps, join a Bgroup, or find a team to serve with on our Ateam. 

Discussion Question: Where are you in your own walk? Are there steps you need to complete to further your growth? What prevents you from helping people take that next step after they accept Christ? 


We ALL have an assignment to win others! God has given each of us gifts to help us in this assignment.

The Invitation

God has an incredible purpose and role for each of us within the body of Christ! As we fully commit to following Him, let's not forget where He’s headed—straight to the sick, the broken, and the lost. Jesus is on a mission to bring hope and salvation, and He’s calling us to join Him! As we chase after Christ, let’s boldly go after the things He cares about. We’re called to step out of our comfort zones, take risks, and reach the lost with the same passion that Jesus has.

3 Part Series

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Related: The Invitation (Small Group Series)

Assets & Files

God has an incredible purpose and role for each of us within the body of Christ! As we fully commit to following Him, let's not forget where He’s headed—straight to the sick, the broken, and the lost. Jesus is on a mission to bring hope and salvation, and He’s calling us to join Him! As we chase after Christ, let’s boldly go after the things He cares about. We’re called to step out of our comfort zones, take risks, and reach the lost with the same passion that Jesus has.

Part 1: Your Divine Assignment

Everyone has an assignment, whether that’s homework you do outside of class or your role in a job. Your assigned position matters, especially in the Kingdom of God. In todays message, we’ll explore what the Bible has to say about what our God-given assignment is and how to carry it out!

Part 2: Revival is Possible

In a doubtful society, God is still working and revival is still possible.

Part 3: Filled to Witness

In order to do anything in the Kingdom of God, we have to be first moved by the Holy Spirit! In today's message, we'll hear how you can practically be filled to share the gospel.

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