
Week 6: David

Small Group Lesson


David was the second king of Israel. From his lineage came Jesus, who is called the “Son of David.” In his life, this hero faced obstacles that would have destroyed most men, but David had a heart after God. In this lesson, we will look at lessons from the leadership of King David and learn some great principles to follow in our life.

Acts 13:22 “David, son of Jessie is a man after my own heart, for he will do everything I want him to do.”

2 Samuel 7:18 “Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?”


David was a shepherd, the youngest son of eight sons of Jesse from Bethlehem. While in the fields, he killed a lion and bear to protect the sheep. It was in that minor role of obscurity that God could see that he was a “man after God’s own heart.”

You must see your minor roles as major preparation. God uses small responsibilities to test future capabilities. Be faithful with a “little,” and God will make you “ruler over much” (see Matt. 25:23).

Luke 16:10 “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.’

What is the most menial job you have ever had?


David’s brothers and Saul’s entire army feared Goliath, the 9 ft., 9 in. giant Philistine. His armor weighed 125 pounds. His spearhead weighed 15 pounds. After 40 days, David volunteered to fight him and defeated him with a sling. After you have been faithful in little things, God will engineer a “platform” (a stage) where you will be able to step forward into a vacuum. Even now, you are being prepared for that moment, that position, that responsibility. It catapulted David into national prominence.

I Samuel 17:55-56 “As Saul watched David go out to fight the Philistine, he asked Abner, the commander of his army, ‘Abner, whose son is this young man?’ ‘I really don’t know,’ Abner declared. ‘Well, find out who he is!’ the king told him.”

What is the moment in your life where you had the greatest opportunity to demonstrate leadership?


David became Saul’s armor-bearer, and Saul immediately became jealous of him. He tried for many years to kill David, but each time God helped David escape. At no point, however, did he dishonor Saul but served him faithfully (I Samuel 24). Many believe that the road to the “top” comes by pulling down and rebelling against your leaders. Great leaders are forged in difficult relationships with those above you. Learn to honor those in authority, and God will give you authority.

Question: Who is the person you had to learn to work under that developed your character the most?


David had to flee Israel from Saul. He lived in Ziklag, a southern city in Israel. He returned from battle to find the entire city burned and his family captured. This was his greatest trial, yet God restored all his family. In addition, Saul was killed within hours, and David was crowned king of Judah for the next forty years.

Your greatest trial is the stepping stone to promotion. In trials is where you demonstrate your character the most.

What trial are you in right now that may be used by God to promote you?

Action Point: 
Take a few minutes to pray for those in the group who may be walking through trials that are causing them to question their leadership. Encourage any group members who have not read Life 01 that now would be a great time to learn more about Jesus, our greatest Hero, and what He did for you.

The Freedom Encounter: 
Many men have been exposed to, and even participated in, immoral practices and need a time of cleansing. The Freedom Encounter is a great place to receive healing and deliverance from your past. Ask your B-Group Leader about attending at the end of this semester. Do you have another man with whom you are accountable? If not, would you like one, or is that a future step for you?

Take a few minutes and ask if any men need specific prayer over a need they may be facing. As you speak with the men in your group, find out what the next step is for them in the Bethany Growth Track.


What qualifies an individual to be labeled a Hero? The Bible is full of mighty men of God whose accomplishments distinguished them as beyond ordinary. These are men the scriptures tell us; shut the mouths of lions, quenched the flames of fire, escaped death by the edge of the sword (Hebrews 11). In this series, we will take a look at men of God who, through their examples of faith, have earned the right to be called HEROES.

Men's Small Group Series
10 Weeks


Bethany Church

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