
Week 4: Abraham

Small Group Lesson

“So then, those who are of faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith” (Gal. 3:9)


Abraham is one of the greatest heroes of the Bible, even called the “father of our faith.” His willingness to believe God when all he had was a word sets him apart as a hero. There are three major qualities in Abraham’s life that made him so exceptional.


“By faith, Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place…not knowing where he was going” (Heb. 11:8).

God told Abram (his original name) to leave his father’s country and go into Palestine (now the Holy Land). He had never been there, did not know one person, and was a stranger and alien there. Still, he obeyed.

When you launch out into new “territory” only at the command of God, you are moving into the realm of the impossible. Great heroes go where they have never been and even where no one else has ever gone.

Question: What is something that you know God has told you to do, but it is outside your “comfort zone?” What is the first step toward doing that thing?


“And thus Abraham, having patiently waited, obtained the promise” (Heb. 6:15)

God gave Abram a vision of a starry sky filled with millions of stars. He promised him that he would have that many descendants, yet his wife, Sarah, was barren. He “believed God,” and it was twenty-four years before the promise came to pass.

Abraham represents the things in our lives that have not happened yet. We know God has promised it in His Word, but TIME is the problem. Just as a seed has to germinate and grow, you cannot expect every promise to produce fruit overnight. “Patience” and “endurance” are the qualities of faith, not frustration and despair.

Question: Is there something you have been praying about for a long time, and it seems that absolutely nothing has changed in that situation?


“By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac” (Heb. 11:17)

Isaac, Abraham’s miracle child, grew into a young man. God told Abraham to sacrifice him on Mt. Moriah near Jerusalem. He was testing Abraham to see if he loved his son more than God, the giver of the son. Abraham raised the knife, and God stopped him.

There is nothing wrong with having money, possessions, and positions as long as they don’t “have you.” Can you detach yourself from everything you have and do now and still worship God? He gave it to us in the first place and sometimes asks for us to give it back to check on our devotion.

“I love ___________.” Fill in the blank. What is something you have to watch yourself to be sure that you don’t allow it to become more important than God in your life?

Action Point: 
If any group members have not read Life 01, now would be a great time to learn more about Jesus, our greatest Hero, and what He did for you.

Take a few minutes and ask if any men need specific prayer over a need they may be facing. As you speak with the men in your group, find out the next step for them in the Bethany Growth Track.


What qualifies an individual to be labeled a Hero? The Bible is full of mighty men of God whose accomplishments distinguished them as beyond ordinary. These are men the scriptures tell us; shut the mouths of lions, quenched the flames of fire, escaped death by the edge of the sword (Hebrews 11). In this series, we will take a look at men of God who, through their examples of faith, have earned the right to be called HEROES.

Men's Small Group Series
10 Weeks


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