
Week 2: Daniel

Small Group Lesson


The Bible is full of heroes, mighty men of God whose accomplishments distinguished them as the world and eternal heroes. Last week we looked at the life of Noah and his faith that set him apart as a great hero for God. Another one of these heroes is Daniel. Chapter 6 of the book of Daniel illustrates some of his incredible qualities.


“…but they could find no ground of accusation or evidence of corruption, inasmuch as he was faithful, and no negligence or corruption was to be found in him” (v. 4).

Daniel was the highest-ranking government official in the land under King Darius, king of the Medo-Persian empire. His enemies watched every slight thing he did in his administration, unsuccessfully trying to catch him in negligence or corruption.

The higher the office, the greater the scrutiny. His enemies, for political advantage, scrutinized every letter, appointment, and ruling in the President’s office. Daniel was blameless in his duties. How would we stack up to such incredible political pressure? Daniel’s convictions kept him from touching one penny that did not belong to him or taking any action that was suspect.

Question: Corruption and negligence are everywhere in the highest circles of the corporate world and political world. Give an example of a time you had to decide to be meticulously honest.


“he continued kneeling on his knees three times a day, praying and giving thanks before his God, as he had been doing previously” (v. 10)

His faithfulness extended into his daily prayer life. Three times a day, he kneeled with the window open toward Jerusalem and prayed for the restoration of his nation.

What you do every day is what will determine your destiny. Everyone is very busy, but Daniel made no excuse for not being alone with God and returning to the source of His strength.

How consistent am I in seeking after God, reading the Word of God, praying for my family, my church, my city, and my national leaders?

Question: If prayer has become a habit with you, share with the group how your consistency in prayer has improved.


“Daniel, who is one of the exiles from Judah, pays no attention to you, O king, or to the injunction which you signed, but keeps making his petition three times a day” (v. 13)

Daniel was never afraid to maintain his spiritual convictions. As a young man, he refused to eat the rich foods of the king’s table, instead eating vegetables and drinking only water. He was declared healthier than everyone else (Dan. 1:15)

Knowing that the king had signed a law of the death penalty that forbids anyone to pray to anyone but him, Daniel continued his prayer routine. He was arrested, thrown in the lion’s den, and miraculously spared from death throughout an entire night.

What would I continue to do for God if I knew I faced the death penalty for doing it?

Question: There are as many martyrs around the world today as at other times in world history. Discuss what it takes to take a stand in this world, even if it costs you your life.


“As for these four youths, God gave them knowledge and intelligence in every branch of literature and wisdom; Daniel even understood all kinds of visions and dreams” (Dan. 1:17)

Daniel’s seasons of prayer and fasting produced incredible dreams and visions. He even told the king what he had dreamed one night, and the interpretation was a revelation concerning the entire span of human life until the end of time at the return of Christ.

There has never been a prophet to live who had such amazing revelation of end-time events as Daniel. The entire book of Revelation is built upon his visions of political events, spiritual warfare in the heavens, and the end-time judgments to come.

Question: We live in the fulfillment of end-time prophecy. What is one thing you see in the world today that lets you know that prophecy is being fulfilled?

Action Point: If you have not read Life 01, now would be a great time to learn more about Jesus, our greatest Hero, and what He did for you.

The Freedom Encounter: Many men have been exposed to, and even participated in, immoral practices and need a time of cleansing. The Freedom Encounter is a great place to receive healing and deliverance from your past. Ask your B-Group Leader about attending at the end of this semester. Do you have another man with whom you are accountable? If not, would you like one, or is that a future step for you?

Leader: Take a few minutes and ask if any men need specific prayer over a need they may be facing. As you speak with the men in your group, find out the next step for them in the Bethany Growth Track.


What qualifies an individual to be labeled a Hero? The Bible is full of mighty men of God whose accomplishments distinguished them as beyond ordinary. These are men the scriptures tell us; shut the mouths of lions, quenched the flames of fire, escaped death by the edge of the sword (Hebrews 11). In this series, we will take a look at men of God who, through their examples of faith, have earned the right to be called HEROES.

Men's Small Group Series
10 Weeks


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