Youth Small Group Series

06. God the Holy Spirit - Our Guide

Small Group Lesson

Our young people are surrounded by temptation, and many struggle to make decisions that honor Jesus. The Holy Spirit is our helper, and he leads us toward making right choices. This lesson will help teenagers see how God has given a guide and offers power to live a Jesus-centered life because he knows we need help along the way—and the more we’re familiar with God’s truth, the more we benefit from the Holy Spirit’s guidance and power.

Lesson Objectives

  1. WHAT: The Holy Spirit is our guide and gives us power for living in a way that honors Jesus and demonstrates to others that God is real.
  2. WHY: Teenagers who know who the Holy Spirit is, why he came, and how he works in our lives will understand they are not alone on this journey of life.
  3. HOW: Students will engage in discussion and Scripture exploration to see what it means to have the Holy Spirit as a guide and source of power to follow Jesus.

Primary Scripture: John 14:15-20

Secondary Scriptures: John 14:26; 16:5-15; Acts 1:6-11; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Let’s explore what this Scripture reveals about the Holy Spirit.

1. The Holy Spirit leads us

Tell us about the last time you needed a guide to help you find your way—maybe on a hiking trip, or at the mall, or somewhere else.

In your own words, explain the promise that Jesus gives his disciples in this passage.

Tell us about a time the Holy Spirit gave you guidance—or a time you tried to just figure it all out on your own.

How is your need for guidance as a follower of Jesus different from when you were a child?

The Holy Spirit leads and guides, but doesn’t force or manipulate—what’s the difference?

SAY SOMETHING LIKE: We live in a world where temptation surrounds us, and it’s often difficult to make decisions that honor Jesus. The Holy Spirit is our helper, and he leads us toward making the right decision. On our own, we often fail because of sin or because we try to handle everything using our own strength. However, God has promised to lead us and give us the ability to lead a life that honors him.

2. The Holy Spirit gives us power

Read Acts 1:6-11. How does this passage demonstrate and emphasize God’s power?

God wants us to use his power to be his witness and tell others about Jesus—why?

How is the Holy Spirit’s power greater than money? politics? fame?

Tell us about a time when you got through a tough situation because of the Holy Spirit’s power.

SAY SOMETHING LIKE: The Holy Spirit is God. He is your guide to living a life that honors Jesus. The Holy Spirit gives you the power to resist temptation, to show others around you who God really is, and point other people toward Jesus. As a teenager, you deal with so much junk in this world, and you need help knowing what to do with all of life’s pains, problems, and struggles.

3. The Holy Spirit shows us truth

Give us some examples of the ways our culture values truth—or ways our culture doesn’t value truth.

How is your life better by understanding what’s true—and what isn’t true?

Read John 16:5-15. Jesus uses the title “Advocate” here to describe the Holy Spirit; other Bible translations use the title “Helper” or “Friend” or “Companion.” Which of those titles do you like best, and why?

Share an example of how God has spoken truth into your life.

How does the Holy Spirit reveal truth to us? What do you think that looks like?

Look at verse 8. Why does the world need to be convicted of its sin?

If you’re a follower of Jesus, then the Holy Spirit lives within you, and he gives you the ability to understand truth. We can fully embrace the Holy Spirit as the third member of the Trinity and recognize that God loves us so much that he didn’t leave us alone. God has given a guide and offers power to live the Christian life because he knows that we need help along the way—and the more we’re familiar with God’s truth, the more we benefit from the Holy Spirit’s guidance and power.

BGroup Questions

  1. Right now, do you most need the Holy Spirit to guide you, to give you power to follow Jesus, or to point you toward truth?
  2. Jesus wants us to be his witnesses and representatives to the people around us. How are your personal choices helping your witness to others?
  3. When do you find it easier to listen to the lies of this world instead of listening to the truth of the Holy Spirit?
  4. If you feel alone in your life right now, what do you need from Jesus?

TAKE ACTION: Memorize this Scripture this week! “But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you” (John 14:26).

**Leaders, leave 3-5 minutes for prayer at the end of your group time.

Youth Small Group Series

To fully understand the story of Scripture, we need to start at the beginning. Genesis gives us that window into God’s loving care for his creation and the freedom he gives his children is abundantly clear from the beginning. But Satan had plans to exploit that freedom and replace it with chains. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection reflect God’s full-circle plan to make things right after sin entered the world. When we approach Scripture and human history as a story, it helps us more clearly grasp what God has done and what God is doing today. This series will focus on God’s originally perfect plan, how humanity went off course, and how God is making things right again.

Small Group Lessons

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