The Will of God

Your Ministry

Small Group Lesson

“Say to Archippus, ‘Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it’” (Col. 4:17, NASB1995).

“But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry” (2 Tim. 4:5).

“Fulfill” your ministry means to “fill it full.” Our life is like a vessel, shaped to do a certain thing. Our job is to discover our purpose and fill that vessel with actions, works, and ministry to accomplish it. God has a purpose and will for every individual. We don’t want to leave this life with our vessel “half full.”

Your God-given “SHAPE” for ministry: Spiritual Gifts – What are your spiritual and motivational gifts? Heart – For what group do you feel the greatest compassion? Abilities – What natural talents do you possess? Personality – How do you relate to others? Experience – What have you been through in your life?

  1. Spiritual gifts 
    1. God has given each one of us certain endowments of the ministry of Christ. All of these gifts worked in Jesus’ life, but none of us have them all.
    2. The “gifts of the Spirit” (1 Cor. 12) are supernatural gifts we find God using us in: word of wisdom, gifts of healing, faith, etc.
    3. The “motivational gifts” (Rom. 12) we feel are spiritual talents we have: teaching, hospitality, leadership, showing mercy, etc.
      Question: If you were to describe your “ministry” in one or two words, what would it be? (“kids,” “music,” “giving,” etc.)
  2. Heart 
    1. Everyone loves a particular age group, demographic, felt need, etc. We say, “He has a heart for that person.” Heart means passion. Some are passionate for the unborn; some for addicts; some for homeless; some for nine-year-old boys! Your passion is part of your purpose, and you will not need to be externally motivated for that.
      Question: In what area of ministry are you most passionate?
  3. Abilities 
    1. God has given you certain natural talents as well. Some are mechanically gifted; some are technically gifted; some are artistically or musically gifted. Your ability may be learned or unlearned.
    2. The body of Christ is made up of multiple “members,” each with different functions and abilities. Therefore, your ability is so needed as a function within the body of Christ.
      Question: What is your most valuable skill?
  4. Personality
    1. Personality is three things: How you relate to people (introvert or extrovert) How you structure your life (controlled or spontaneous) How you process information (facts or possibilities) How you make decisions (thinking or feeling)
    2. Your personality is what makes you fit with certain people and structures. These are the people and environments with whom you feel the most comfortable.
  5. Experience
    1. Everyone has life experiences they have been through that they could use to encourage others.
    2. Everyone has formal education, seminars, special training, licenses, etc., that qualify them to help others.
      Question: What is the one life experience you have had that you could share the best with others for their benefit?

    These five things together help you find your “ministry.” However, all ministry is done in the service of Jesus and to advance His kingdom. Our MOTIVE for ministry is simply that.

    Application Point: If you have not read Life 01, now would be a great time to learn more about who Jesus is and what He did for you. Many men have been exposed to, and even participated in, immoral practices and need a time of cleansing. The Freedom Encounter is a great place to receive healing and deliverance from your past. Ask your B-Group Leader about attending at the end of this semester. Do you have another man with whom you are accountable? If not, would you like one, or is that a future step for you?

    Leader: Take a few minutes and lead your group in a new commitment to practice the will of God for their life. Challenge them to have an accountability partner that they can trust to encourage them through their challenges.

    The Will of God

    All too often we find that as men of God we have drifted away from God's original intent for us. This series looks at seven different areas and what the scriptures define as God's will for us. Allow yourself to be transformed. It may be time to change the way you think about some areas of your life.

    Men's Small Group Series
    7 Weeks

    Small Group Lessons

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