Faith That Won't Quit

Faith is an Act (Week 4)

Small Group Lesson

Big Idea

Faith is what we are sure of and certain of. We are often put in a position where we must act upon something we “do not see”. (Hebrews 11:1). Faith is acting on what you cannot see. This lesson will dive into the lives of three men in the Bible who acted on things they could not see--through faith.

Key Scriptures

  • Genesis 4:2-5
  • Genesis 5:24
  • Hebrews 11:8

Main Points 

Three Faith Actions

  1. Abel OFFERED (Our Giving)
    1. While Abel brought the first and best sheep to be sacrificed, Cain brought “some of his crops” (Genesis 4:3 NLT). “Abel also brought a gift—the best portions of the firstborn lambs” (4:4).
    2. People who give in faith are happy to tithe and give generously to the Lord. They are absolutely certain that God will reward their generosity and bless them beyond their wildest dreams.
  2. Enoch WALKED (Our Devotions)
    1. “Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.” (Genesis 5:24)
    2. Enoch had daily time alone with God for over 300 years.
    3. Having private devotions alone with God is “acting by faith.”
    4. Our prayer life is a statement of our faith. Just like our money offered to God, our time with God speaks loudly of being “certain of what we do not see”. (Hebrews 11:1)
  3. Abraham OBEYED (Our Calling)
    1. “When he was called…” (Hebrews 11:8). Abraham was called to bless the entire world and bring the Messiah into the world. His faith journey began when he “stepped out in faith”.
    2. Obedience in faith is when you step out not knowing where you are going (see Romans 1:5).
    3. Abraham’s greatest obedience came when he put his son Isaac on the altar (see Genesis 22:8–9).
    4. God has a calling upon your life, but He wants to see if you will obey Him and trust Him even when you don’t understand (see Ephesians 1:4–6).

Discussion Questions

  1. What are ways that we can grow in our devotion to the Lord?
  2. Have you ever had to step out in faith in your walk with the Lord?
  3. How can obedience be an act of faith?


As you pray about what God is speaking to you in this season, take a step of faith this week towards that one area of your life.

Faith That Won't Quit

All through our Christian walk, we will encounter circumstances that have the potential to make us want to retreat, give up, or even question our faith. In this series, we will talk about walking out our faith despite our challenges, finding assurance to walk out this life in faith, exercising our faith through our words, and acting on things we cannot see.


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