
A Body That Works

Message Notes

Intro to Message:

  • Journeying through the epistles talking about Christian Living
  • I want to talk to you about “A Body that Works”
  • My body:
    • Shoulder injury
    • Elbow injury 
    • Achilles heel
  • We get frustrated when a body doesn’t function, small things can inhibit the body from being fully engaged. In the same way, if the body of Christ isn’t working properly, we don’t see the true power of the body of Christ. 
  • The Corinthians were curious about spiritual gifts.
    • They wanted to the ecstatic experience. 
    • They didn’t know what the gifts were for
  • The way to understand the gifts
    • The Father is working
    • The Son is serving
    • The Spirit is empowering


1 Corinthians 12:1–7 (NLT) — 1 Now, dear brothers and sisters, regarding your question about the special abilities the Spirit gives us. I don’t want you to misunderstand this. 2 You know that when you were still pagans, you were led astray and swept along in worshiping speechless idols. 3 So I want you to know that no one speaking by the Spirit of God will curse Jesus, and no one can say Jesus is Lord, except by the Holy Spirit. 4 There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all. 5 There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord. 6 God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us. 7 A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.

Three ways the body works

  1. The GIFTS of the Spirit 
    1. The Body works best when it is empowered by the Holy Spirit
    2. A gift is given to each of us! You are not left out of this grand design
    3. Here is a list of 9 
      1. Word of wisdom
        1. Joseph/Solomon
        2. I’ve seen this gift operate through God’s people
      2. Word of knowledge 
        1. Daniel/Jesus seeing Nathaniel
        2. Gary’s hand being healed
      3. Gift of faith
        1. Abraham and Sarah
        2. George Muller
      4. Gift of healing 
        1. New Testament full of them
        2. Godson and Lillian Lusk
        3. Praying for stomach tumor
      5. Working of miracles
        1. 5000 fed
        2. Often for provision
      6. Word of prophecy
        1. Agabus in New Testament
        2. Ray McCauley 
      7. Discernment of spirits
        1. Paul in Philippi
        2. Dad with revival
      8. Tongues
        1. Acts 2
      9. Interpretation of tongues 
    4. Your job
      1. Learn your gift - Pray about it, when you grow in relationship with Holy Spirit, you will instinctively know
      2. Use your gift - Don’t just hope you have one, and sit on the sidelines, let that gift become active
      3. Desire more gifts - 1 Corinthians 14 says we can ask for the gifts
    5. Why do we have the gifts? - For the common good! 
      1. Charles Spurgeon and the bank note on the wall
  2. The SERVICE of the Son
    1. Jesus came doing acts of service
    2. Mark 10:45 (NASB95) — 45 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”
    3. Let’s look at the way the human heart serves the rest of the body
      1. Beats 200 million times a year, 2 trillion every ten years, 16 trillion times.
      2. It serves every part of the body before it serves itself
      3. It doesn’t discriminate who it serves
      4. It quietly and invisibly does it part
      5. It is faithful and consistent and the whole body is grateful 
      6. It works harder when the rest of the body is suffering
    4. Funny story about kids asking which human organ would make you die?
    5. The body of Christ works best
      1. When each member serves each member (acts of service)
      2. When each member doesn’t need recognition for every service.
      3. When each member does it’s function without pride
      4. When each member rejoices and weeps with each member
    6. Your job
      1. Do your function
      2. Appreciate every function 
      3. Pray for our missing functions
  3. The WORKS of the Father
    1. The Spirit gives gifts, The Son gives service, and the Father has works. 
      1. Three examples
      2. The working of Creation 
        1. Spirit gave power
        2. Son gave the word
        3. Father orchestrated the work
      3. The working of Redemption 
        1. Spirit gave conception
        2. Son gave His life
        3. Father worked redemption 
      4. The working of Salvation 
        1. Spirit convicted of sin 
        2. Son paid the price
        3. Father worked salvation 
    2. The gifts make sense when they are serving the body, and the body makes a difference when it is serving the Father. 
    3. The greatest question the church can ask and mobilize towards is “What is the Father doing!?”
    4. What we KNOW He’s doing
      1. Saving the world  (MISSIONS is Huge)
      2. Preparing a bride for His Son (DISCIPLESHIP is Huge)

If we want to be a church that lasts another 60 years

  • Stay filled with the Spirit 
  • Serve one another and the world 
  • Keep the works of the Father front and center!


This journey through the letters from Paul to the early church can give us wisdom and insight on Christian living today.

18 Part Series

All the files in the included packages below have been stripped of dates and church branding. Feel free to adjust, change, or tweak as needed. Include your own church logo or swap out the photos.

Full package also available on Dropbox.

Assets & Files

Part 1: The Revelation of Righteousness

Understand the standard that God has set.

Part 2: Under the Influence

Embrace the Holy Spirit's role for a life that's fulfilling and purposeful.

Part 3: Under the Influence Pt. 2

What God has placed upon you will always be greater than anything the enemy can place in place in front of you.

Part 4: The Most Important Thing

Life begins with God's love for us and how we show it to the world around us.

Part 5: Breaking Toxic Thought Patterns

Guard against human reasoning by standing on all that God says.

Part 6: How to Grow Closer to Jesus

Understand what it means for us to draw near to our Savior.

Part 7: A Body That Works

See how spiritual gifts are intended to make a difference in believers' lives and bring us together.

Part 8: God's Art Gallery

Ephesians 3:10-11. As His creation, we reflect His nature for all the world to see.

Part 9: Simplicity, Sincerity, Sacrifice

Remain humble, genuine, and diligent towards one another, regardless of what's happening around us.

Part 10: The Need for Leaders

1 Timothy 3 - Tomorrow's Church depends upon the leaders we are raising up today.

Part 11: The Process of Generosity

2 Corinthians 9 - It all begins with the condition of our hearts.

Part 12: The Action of Faith

Hebrews 11 - Let your convictions in the unseen determine your actions until the end, regardless of what happens.

Part 13: Five Keys To Joy

It's not about what's happening to us but a matter of what we are choosing.

Part 14: Happy With Here

Understand how to find contentment today.

Part 15: God's Preference

Discover how worship can be seen in all that we do.

Part 16: Pray Like It Works

Here's an encouraging word to pursue God until you see the breakthrough!

Part 17: Christ, the Pre-eminent One

See where Christ is to be first in our lives.

Part 18: Breathing in and Out

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