The Real Jesus

Lesson 2: Chapters 3-5

Small Group Lesson

Key Scriptures:
One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living. Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” And they left their nets at once and followed him. Mark 1:16-18 

Anyone that has seen Me [Jesus] has seen the Father. John 14:9 

And I [Jesus] will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. — John 14:16-17 

The Big Idea:
As we learn what the Bible really says about Jesus, we see that there are different ways we relate to and learn from God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They each have specific attributes and together form the complete image of God. 

Discussion Question: 
Who is the greatest teacher or coach you’ve ever had? What caused this person to have such an impact on you? 

Main Points: 

  1. Relating to Jesus the Son 
    1. We know that Jesus fully embodies love, but He is also regarded as the greatest teacher. We are not only invited to be the students of the greatest teacher and learn directly from Him, but to be in close relationship with him. 
    2. Studying under Jesus requires leaving our old lives, learning Jesus’ perspective, loving people like Jesus does, and leading others to understand who Jesus really is.
  2. Relating to God the Father 
    1. We often view God the Father the way we view our earthly father. Sometimes that is good, sometimes it is not. 
    2. Jesus modeled how we truly relate to God the Father. Jesus honored, loved, obeyed, and trusted His father. 

      Discussion Question: 
      How does your relationship with your earthly father affect your image of God the Father?
  3. Relating to the Holy Spirit 
    1. The Holy Spirit was Jesus’ connection to His Father. Jesus needed the Holy Spirit to do what He came to do and we need the Holy Spirit to do what we are created to do. 
    2. The Holy Spirit can empower you, teach you, guide you, and move through you. 

      Discussion Question: 
      Can you think of a time where the Holy Spirit has guided you? Can you share with the group? How do you feel about your relationship with the Holy Spirit? 

Challenge: Our understanding of each image of God- Father, Son, Holy Spirit- influences our overall relationship with Him. If you feel you don’t see Him clearly as one of these, ask Him and He will reveal Himself to you.

The Real Jesus

Which Jesus do you follow? What does He believe? Or perhaps just as important, What do you believe about Him?

A 4 part Group series based on the new book "The Real Jesus" by Pastor Jonathan Stockstill.

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