The Invitation

Revival is Possible

Message Notes


  • Our time in Brazil
  • The amazing two weekends prior
  • Passion for October and why we’re teaching these messages


Habakkuk 3:2 (NIV) — 2 LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, LORD. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.

Psalm 77:11–12 (NIV) — 11 I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. 12 I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”

  1. Remembering Revivals
    1. Welsh Revival 
      1. 1904 (Evan Roberts)
      2. Christian but discontent
        1. Lukewarm christians
        2. Same old, same old.
      3. Four components
        1. Deal with all known sin in your life and receive forgiveness through Jesus.
        2. Remove anything doubtful from your life.
        3. Complete and immediate obedience to the Holy Spirit.
        4. Publicly confess Christ.
      4. Lingering after services
      5. 100,000 conversions
      6. Society completely changed
        1. Bars empty
        2. Mules had to be retrained
    2. Moravian Revival 
      1. 1727 (Count Zinzendorf)
      2. He opened his land to persecuted Christians
      3. It started a little rough
      4. Prayer paved the way for repentance, which paved the way for reconciliation, and revival
      5. The Moravians were marked by their dedication to continuous prayer and unity.
      6. The 24-hour prayer vigil sustained for over 100 years and fueled their global missionary efforts.
    3. Jesus Movement 
      1. 1968-72 (Chuck Smith, Lonnie Frisbee)
      2. Hippie movement, Beatles, Vietnam
      3. A revival among the counterculture youth, known for radical openness and authenticity.
      4. Emphasized the simplicity of the gospel and invited those outside the church walls to experience Jesus.
      5. Public parks, beaches, homes, schools, fields, all became places where people would gather to talk about Jesus. 
      6. Churches were packed with young people. 
      7. Thousands were being baptized in Pirates Cove
    4. Great Awakenings 
      1. 1730-50; 1800-30 (Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Charles Finney)
      2. Marked by powerful preaching, deep conviction of sin, and mass conversions.
      3. Emphasized radical preaching and social transformation.
      4. The first awakening brought about the revolution, the second awakening brought about the abolition of slavery. 
    5. Irish Revival
      1. 400 (St. Patrick)
      2. St. Patrick’s obedience and boldness led to the conversion of thousands.
      3. Challenged the spiritual darkness of his time with miracles, bold preaching, and a strong missionary spirit.
  2. Creating Revivals
    1. Divine Discontentment - Evan Roberts
      1. Lingering: A willingness to wait on God, seeking Him earnestly.
      2. Can’t Think About Anything Else: A consuming passion for God’s presence and glory.
      3. Staying Up Until the Early Morning Pursuing: A relentless pursuit of God that drives action and prayer.
      4. Call on people to become hungry for revival
    2. Perpetual Prayer - Moravians
      1. Continuous, united prayer that seeks God’s presence and power.
      2. Prayer that moves beyond personal desires to seek the advancement of God’s kingdom globally.
      3. Call on people to earnestly pray
    3. Open Hearts - Jesus Movement
      1. Radical openness to God and to others, breaking down barriers and welcoming all into the community of faith.
      2. An invitational culture that makes room for the broken, the searching, and the outsider.
      3. Call on people to open their hearts and homes for new people
    4. Bold Preaching - Great Awakenings
      1. Preaching that confronts sin, calls for repentance, and points people to the transforming power of Jesus.
      2. Boldness to speak truth in love, regardless of cultural opposition or societal norms.
      3. Call on people to become courageous in their witness
    5. Obedient Vessels - Irish Revival
      1. Bold obedience to God’s call, even in the face of danger or cultural opposition.
      2. A willingness to go where God leads, stepping out in faith to reach the unreached.
      3. Call on people to obey God
  3. Results of Revivals
    1. Mass Salvations
      1. Entire communities and nations turning to Christ as the gospel spreads with power.
      2. 100,000 in Welsh Revival
      3. 150,000 in Irish Revival
    2. Open Repentance
      1. A deep conviction of sin leading to public confession, restoration, and a renewed commitment to holiness.
      2. People falling to their knees in the Great Awakening
    3. Great Joy and Fellowship
      1. A sense of unity and joy among believers, breaking down barriers and fostering deep, authentic community.
      2. People didn’t want to leave in the Welsh Revival
      3. Such joy in the village of the Moravians
      4. Jesus movement was marked with deep fellowship
    4. Releasing Evangelists
      1. Empowered individuals going out to spread the gospel, planting churches, and transforming societies.
      2. Moravians sent 600 missionaries to the world
      3. Second Great Awakening sent circuit riders around the world. 


  • Heavens gates and hells flames
  • Habakkuk 3:2 (NIV) — 2 LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, LORD. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.

The Invitation

God has an incredible purpose and role for each of us within the body of Christ! As we fully commit to following Him, let's not forget where He’s headed—straight to the sick, the broken, and the lost. Jesus is on a mission to bring hope and salvation, and He’s calling us to join Him! As we chase after Christ, let’s boldly go after the things He cares about. We’re called to step out of our comfort zones, take risks, and reach the lost with the same passion that Jesus has.

3 Part Series

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Related: The Invitation (Small Group Series)

Assets & Files

God has an incredible purpose and role for each of us within the body of Christ! As we fully commit to following Him, let's not forget where He’s headed—straight to the sick, the broken, and the lost. Jesus is on a mission to bring hope and salvation, and He’s calling us to join Him! As we chase after Christ, let’s boldly go after the things He cares about. We’re called to step out of our comfort zones, take risks, and reach the lost with the same passion that Jesus has.

Part 1: Your Divine Assignment

Everyone has an assignment, whether that’s homework you do outside of class or your role in a job. Your assigned position matters, especially in the Kingdom of God. In todays message, we’ll explore what the Bible has to say about what our God-given assignment is and how to carry it out!

Part 2: Revival is Possible

In a doubtful society, God is still working and revival is still possible.

Part 3: Filled to Witness

In order to do anything in the Kingdom of God, we have to be first moved by the Holy Spirit! In today's message, we'll hear how you can practically be filled to share the gospel.

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