
Alignment (Week 8)

Small Group Lesson

Are you the kind of man who hates to ask for directions? I am. I would rather try to figure it out on my own. I found a neat trick a few years ago that made trips a lot easier. Before launching out on an adventure, I would take a virtual trip on the web. I start by opening “Google Maps” and via the satellite imagery I take the trip the day before; locating landmarks and significant markers along the way. This made me much more comfortable when going someplace I have never been (It also made my wife think I was brilliant! Not a bad thing right?). Today most vehicles have navigation built in and not only are you given directions but you are also made aware of potential hazards along the way.

The believer and the Holy Spirit (Romans 8)

Romans 8 is the main chapter of the Bible for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is mentioned 19 times in the book of Romans (more than any other book in the new testament). The Holy Spirit of God is an excellent guide along this journey of life. Jesus called HIm the helper (John 14:16). He, The Holy Spirit, knows and will lead you in the way you should go (John 16:13). He also will help you avoid the obstacles that would try to trip you up in your journey, so it is important that we as men of God walk with and in the Spirit.

When we walk in the Spirit

There is “No condemnation” (v. 1-4): You have victory over the Law “Now” means that “at this moment” there is “no” (not the smallest bit of) “condemnation” (sentence of guilt). No is an emphatic word meaning there is not a trace of condemnation. Are you beginning to feel relief? Remember, as a spiritual man we are free from the Law because Jesus has completely fulfilled all the requirements of the Law. The law will let you carry about in you all the guilt over your past failures. But Jesus’ sacrifice for you was enough to pay for your sin debt. The question is “Have you been washed in the blood of Jesus?” The good news is not that there is a Hell but that you do not have to go there. I have “No sentence of Guilt” because Jesus paid the price for my sins!

Alignment Question: Our enemy, the devil, will try to heap condemnation and guilt upon us when we sin. Someone said it’s not a matter of “if” we will sin but “when” we sin. What is the proper response of a Spiritual man when he sins? (Hint: 1 John 1:9)

There is “No obligation” (v. 5-17)

You have victory over the flesh The man who walks in the Spirit relies on God’s Holy Spirit to empower him to live the Christian life. He is no longer “under obligation” (v. 12) to the flesh (to do what it desires) but has victory over the flesh. The truth is, if you are in Christ, you are free (V. 14). When we learn to yield to the power of the Holy Ghost in our life, then the same resurrection power that raised Christ from the dead is the same power that will propel us out of that situation! We just choose to follow His lead and walk in obedience to Him. We are not under obligation to live under the demands of the flesh but it is our understanding of son-ship and our love of the Father that makes us desire to follow and serve Him.

Alignment Question: Verse 15 tells us that when we are in Christ, we have been adopted by God into His family. This adoption means that you are now a child of God. You have a new identity in Christ. What are some of the old life and actions that you are excited to be leaving behind as you follow Christ?

There is “No frustration” (v. 18-27):

You have victory over circumstances. There was a frustration that came upon the earth when man sinned “Creation groans” (v. 18-22). We see the groaning within the Earth now (earthquakes, natural disasters). It is getting crazy. After 2020, you gotta ask; What will happen this year? “Believers groans” (v. 23-25) People walk through personal pressures. Even we groan within ourselves with personal frustration. Try driving through Baton Rouge traffic at 4:30-6:00pm. We all go through frustration.

“The Spirit groans” (v. 25-27) Prayer in the Spirit. This is interesting that even the Spirit of God is groaning. Not because of His frustration but to “Take hold together against” (as it states in the Greek). He wants to express through the Spirit the feelings and frustrations that we experience everyday. We need the Holy Spirit to help us pray and to “take hold together with us” against the trials that come our way. In this way we can have victory over every circumstance that comes our way. If you do not lean on the Holy Spirit, you are going to be one carnal Dude.

Alignment Question: The bible tells us that there are times when we just don’t know what to pray. Did you know that you can have help from the Holy Spirit when you pray? Jesus promised that He would be with you and in you (John 14:16-17).

“No separation” (v. 28, 31-39)

Victory over fear You must read the whole verse. If I walk in the Spirit, nothing can separate me from the love of God. Before God formed the world, He already knew who would be saved and serve Him. God does not select some people to be saved and some to be lost. The calling happened when you got saved. At the proper time He called you and you responded, thank God!. Those who He called He justified and also glorified. All these are in the past tense. In the mind of God you are justified. God created it, finished it, and goes back to the beginning and performs it. If He has seen the end from the beginning, if he is for us who can be against us.

We are “called according to His purpose” (v. 28). In the mind of God, our past, present, and future are already accomplished facts (v. 29-30). The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are FOR US, and “nothing can separate us from the love of Christ!” Who cares what the devil may say or try to do to us, who shall separate us, no one.

Application: You are free from condemnation. You have victory over every circumstance and do not need to walk in fear because God is for YOU! This is great news! Still so many men walk around defeated, haunted by their past and fearful of the future. Ask the Lord to direct your path to someone who needs to hear these words of hope and freedom. We carry within us this great news of freedom and victory in Christ. Ask God for an opportunity to share it with someone else.

Leader: Take time to pray for the men in your group and encourage them to join together for an outreach to your community or an individual in need. If there are men in your group that have not yet been baptised in the Holy Spirit, give them the opportunity to receive prayer.


Have you ever driven a car that was out of alignment? Poor alignment pulls, pushes and otherwise makes driving in a straight line difficult. It is also hard on your tires causing them to wear out prematurely. As men we operate best when we are in alignment with our standard, the Word of God. Being out of alignment makes us push against our circumstances. It can pull us away from God’s best and cause us to prematurely wear out. In this 12 week series be prepared to be challenged, be prepared for adjustment and be prepared for change.

Men's Small Group Series:

12 Weeks


Bethany Church

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