
Alignment (Week 6)

Small Group Lesson

Last week we covered the first two reasons we can “Win the battle of Sin”. In this lesson we will see three more reasons in the book of Romans that encourage you to win! Pastor Larry Stockstill tells the story of a bully at an elementary school who was walking around the playground writing down names on a list. Another student, not so large and intimidating, asked him “What are you writing on that list?”. The bully responded “These are the names of everyone on the playground that I can beat up!” Seeing his name on the list defiantly told the bully “You can’t beat me up!”. The bully took one look at him, knew he meant business and crossed his name off of the list.

The enemy would love for you to believe that it is useless to try and live a godly life. The truth is that you CAN do all things through the strength that you have in Christ. You only need to remember who you are and line up your words and actions with your identity. Get ready to be encouraged!

Reason 3 - “Because I am dead to sin” (Rom. 6: 1-11)

You cannot offend a dead man. You can’t tempt a dead man. You can’t pick a fight with a dead man. Why? He’s dead! “Dead to sin” doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to sin. Death means “separation,” and God takes His “knife” and “separates” your sin nature from the new you. Remember, in Christ you have a new nature! It doesn’t mean you “can’t” sin but that you don’t have to sin any more (Like having power over your radio or a lamp, you have the potential to turn it off or on.). As Men, we are “identified” with Christ in His crucifixion (v. 6), His burial (v. 4), and His resurrection (v. 8, 11).

Alignment Question: Romans 6 tells us that as believers we have died with Christ and are buried with Him in baptism. Of course we do not physically die but have died to sin. The next step after death is burial. Much like Jesus was buried in a tomb, the Apostle Paul says we are symbolically buried with Him in the waters of baptism. This simple expression tells the world “Hey! I have died to sin!” So the question is, have you told the world? Have you taken the step of water baptism yet? If not why? If you have, what was that experience like?

Reason 4 - “Because I have presented my body to God” (v. 12-14)

Your physical body (eyes, ears, hands, feet, tongue, etc.) are the “tools” that the sinful nature wants to use. If you “disconnect” your body from that nature, it has no power to do anything. It only does what you allow it to do. You must “present” (yield, offer) your body to God as an “instrument” (a tool or weapon) EVERY DAY (Rom. 12: 1). Just make it a part of your daily prayer time. Offer yourself to God to be used by Him. It may look like laying hands on someone sick to pray for them or being used in acts of service to someone in need. Your body can be used as a weapon of unrighteousness or used by the Lord as a blessing.

Alignment Question: What happens when we allow the Lord to use us to minister to others? What does it say about Christ? What does it say about you?

Reason 5 - “Because I have become a servant of God” (v. 15-23)

Sin is not “freedom” but bondage. Just like a train off of the track is not free. When sin “calls” you don’t have to answer! The dominion, lordship, and control of sin, addictions, and habits have been permanently severed. You have NO RELATIONSHIP with sin as your master. Instead, Paul said you are a “slave of righteousness.”(v.18). Your new nature of Christ gives you orders and commands and you are free to obey them. Those working for sin will receive “death” (v. 23), but those yielding to God will receive eternal life!

There is a difference between Adam’s race or Jesus’ race. You are either in one or the other there is no third. Sin wants to control you and make you obey the desires of your flesh but you have to decide. You are either heaven bound or bound for separation from Jesus for eternity.

App. Point – When is the last time you allowed God to use you to do something for another? Why not as a group plan an outreach to someone in need. Make plans as a group to be used by the Lord to serve a need in your community.

Leader: Take time to pray for the men in your group and encourage them to join together for an outreach to your community or an individual in need.


Have you ever driven a car that was out of alignment? Poor alignment pulls, pushes and otherwise makes driving in a straight line difficult. It is also hard on your tires causing them to wear out prematurely. As men we operate best when we are in alignment with our standard, the Word of God. Being out of alignment makes us push against our circumstances. It can pull us away from God’s best and cause us to prematurely wear out. In this 12 week series be prepared to be challenged, be prepared for adjustment and be prepared for change.

Men's Small Group Series:

12 Weeks


Bethany Church

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