The Invitation

Filled to Witness

Small Group Lesson

Big Idea: As the disciples walked with Jesus they could be sure that everyday would be filled with significant moments of miraculous healing and deliverance. Their lives were certainly not boring! As new covenant believers who are filled with and empowered by His Holy Spirit, we should desire to see the power of God moving in our lives. Sadly, too many believers are living a life void of the power of the Holy Spirit. We understand we do not exist just for ourselves but Jesus’ desire for us is that we are a witness for Him. As we prepare ourselves for a season of evangelism, how can we make sure we are experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit in our ministry? 

Key Scripture: "Once when he was eating with them, he commanded them, "Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you the gift he promised, as I told you before. John baptized with water, but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." So when the apostles were with Jesus, they kept asking him, "Lord, has the time come for you to free Israel and restore our kingdom?" He replied, "The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they are not for you to know. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (‭‭Acts ‭1‬:‭4‬-‭8‬ ‭NLT)‬‬

1. Receive the Holy Spirit

Luke used the phrase “When the Holy Spirit comes upon you”. The infilling of the Holy Spirit is an experience for every believer. In the gospel of John Jesus told His disciples that the Holy Spirit was with them but would soon be in them (John 14:17). Our spirit is like a cup that can be filled. We can choose to allow the things of this world to fill our cup or allow the Spirit of God to fill us and influence our lives. When He, the Holy Spirit, comes into our lives we can live a life filled with joy, peace, and faith!

How do we receive the Holy Spirit?

  • Repent and be baptized
  • Pray and expect to be filled
  • Have hands laid upon you

Discussion Question: If you have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, what was your experience like? If you have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, what might be holding you back? Sometimes what prevents us from receiving is unforgiveness or unconfessed sin.

2. Respond to the Holy Spirit

Being filled with the Holy Spirit is allowing Him to be in charge. Jesus said that His sheep know His voice (John 10:27). When we surrender to the guidance of the Holy Spirit we can expect that He will:

  • Direct our steps - He will lead your steps so that you can be effective in your ministry (Psalm 37:23)
  • Direct our words - The Holy Spirit not only leads us into divine appointment but will also direct our words as we minister to the lost (Luke 12:12)
  • Emboldens our spirit - To be a witness requires boldness that we often do not possess in ourselves (Acts 4:31)
  • Empowers our ministry - People are attracted to the power of God. As believers we should believe God for signs and wonders to accompany what we preach  (Mark 16:7)

Discussion Question: Have you experienced the influence of the Holy Spirit in your life? Describe a time the Holy Spirit has directed your steps and/or emboldened your spirit and what was the outcome?


As we step into October, we are encouraging everyone to believe God for souls in this month of harvest. Take a moment and let your group write down the name of someone that God is putting on their heart to invite to church or even share the gospel one-on-one. 

Have a time of prayer for the refreshing and filling of the Holy Spirit with those in your group. Pray with those who haven’t received the Holy Spirit to receive today, and pray for those who have received the Holy Spirit to be filled again. 

Expect God to fill you and those in your group with a boldness to invite and spread the love of Christ everywhere you go!

The Invitation

God has an incredible purpose and role for each of us within the body of Christ! As we fully commit to following Him, let's not forget where He’s headed—straight to the sick, the broken, and the lost. Jesus is on a mission to bring hope and salvation, and He’s calling us to join Him! As we chase after Christ, let’s boldly go after the things He cares about. We’re called to step out of our comfort zones, take risks, and reach the lost with the same passion that Jesus has.

3 Part Series

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Full package also available on Dropbox.

Related: The Invitation (Small Group Series)

Assets & Files

God has an incredible purpose and role for each of us within the body of Christ! As we fully commit to following Him, let's not forget where He’s headed—straight to the sick, the broken, and the lost. Jesus is on a mission to bring hope and salvation, and He’s calling us to join Him! As we chase after Christ, let’s boldly go after the things He cares about. We’re called to step out of our comfort zones, take risks, and reach the lost with the same passion that Jesus has.

Part 1: Your Divine Assignment

Everyone has an assignment, whether that’s homework you do outside of class or your role in a job. Your assigned position matters, especially in the Kingdom of God. In todays message, we’ll explore what the Bible has to say about what our God-given assignment is and how to carry it out!

Part 2: Revival is Possible

In a doubtful society, God is still working and revival is still possible.

Part 3: Filled to Witness

In order to do anything in the Kingdom of God, we have to be first moved by the Holy Spirit! In today's message, we'll hear how you can practically be filled to share the gospel.

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