The Invitation

Your Divine Assignment

Message Notes

  1. Intro
    1. What is an “assignment?”
      1. Your homework you do outside of class. Take home work.
      2. Your part in a whole job. Nehemiah’s wall.  3. Your position to which you are assigned.
    2. YOU have an assignment
      1. 1 Cor. 12:28—“And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues.”
      2. God has “set some in the church.” Some are offices. Some are supernatural gifts. Some are practical acts of serving others.
  2. Philip’s assignment (Acts 8)
    1. His assignment as an evangelist (v. 4-8)
      1. For unclean spirits, crying out with a loud voice, came out of many who had them, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed. So there was much joy in that city.
      2. Philip was like Reinhard Bonnke. He turned that city upside down. The whole city was shaken by the “signs” of his assignment.
    2. His assignment as a personal soul-winner (v. 26-40)
      1. His second assignment was to go down to the desert and win ONE PERSON to Christ.
      2. All of us have this assignment. Jesus told us all to “go ye therefore and preach the Gospel to every creature.” This is not a gift, this is an assignment to obey.
      3. Talking to people about Christ is your assignment, even if you have an assignment in the Church. GOD HAS GIVEN YOU SOMETHING TO DO, AN ASSIGNMENT. What a blessing! (Bonnke with the “Minus to Plus” project).
  3. Your Divine assignment
    1. Obey God’s VOICE
      1. Rise and go toward the south.” Philip was north of Jerusalem in a huge citywide crusade. Thousands were being saved, healed, and filled with the Holy Spirit. Demons were coming out and cripple people were walking.
      2. An angel told him to leave that revival and go down the desert road toward Gaza.
      3. Philip went out by faith. It was the hottest part of the day in the most intense heat. It was a desert road. GOD WANTS TO KNOW IF YOU WILL OBEY HIM AND BE FAITHFUL TO HIS ASSIGNMENT. (Norvel buying an old motel in Crystal River, Florida).
    2. Find someone who is HUNGRY
      1. Philip obeyed and was in a desert, empty place. Suddenly, he noticed a chariot up ahead with an African man from Ethiopia riding in it. “He had come to Jerusalem to worship” (v. 27). He went to church empty and was going home empty. As a eunuch, he was not allowed inside the temple.
      2. And the Spirit said to Philip,“Go over and join this chariot” (v. 29). Perhaps it is an impression to “sit by this person at the gate in the airport.” Or, "stop and talk to this neighbor on your street.” The Holy Spirit is involved directly in finding your assignment. Listen to your heart.
      3. The man in the chariot was the Minister of Finance for the entire nation of Ethiopia. He answered directly to the Candace, the queen of that African nation. God has key individuals who can touch a nation that He wants to lead you to. (Jesus and the woman at the well).
    3. Start a CONVERSATION.
      1. Philip ran up alongside the chariot and heard the man reading the Bible (Isa. 53). He asked him a question: “Do you understand what you are reading?” He got into the chariot and ENTERED THE MAN’S WORLD. God has been preparing his heart for their conversation.
      2. Winning your assignment always starts with a conversation: “Give me something to drink.” It is usually a question or a simple statement that pulls you into their world.
      3. If you never start conversations, you will never fulfil this Divine assignment God has upon you. You must show yourself friendly and they will open up to you about a need in their life: “disease, stress, finances, marriage, children, death of a loved one.”
    4. Use SCRIPTURE.
      1. The Holy Spirit had been preparing the heart of the official. He has already gone before you and done His work in their heart. He just needs you to listen for the need. Once a need comes out, your assignment is to share Scripture with a person. “Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus.” (v. 35)
      2. He “opened his mouth.” The most difficult moment in your assignment is when you say, “A Scripture that has really helped me in that area is…I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
    5. Help them make a DECISION.
      1. See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized? If you believe with all your heart, you may. And he replied, “I believe that Jesus is the Son of God.” (v. 36-37)
      2. Getting saved is easy. It is simply putting your trust in Christ as the Son of God. They went down into some water (strange for the desert!) and Philip baptized this high official.
      3. And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing” (Acts 8: 39)
      4. Now, Philip’s assignment was finished. The Holy Spirit “snatched” him (Lit.) and moved him 30 miles to the city of Azotus!
      5. Church tradition says that this man led his queen, Candace, to Christ and baptized her. He became the first actual Gentile convert and was used mightily to bring the Gospel to Ethiopia.
      6. YOU HAVE A GREAT ASSIGNMENT: obeying God’s voice, finding a hungry person, starting a conversation, using Scripture, and leading them to a decision.
  4. Altar call
    1. Who is in this service and God has been dealing with you through the trials and problems of your life. You are hungry for a walk with God, but just don’t quite know how to give Him your heart.
    2. God loves you. God knows you. The eunuch went to Jerusalem to find God and you came to church today to find God.
    3. God has an assignment for you!

The Invitation

God has an incredible purpose and role for each of us within the body of Christ! As we fully commit to following Him, let's not forget where He’s headed—straight to the sick, the broken, and the lost. Jesus is on a mission to bring hope and salvation, and He’s calling us to join Him! As we chase after Christ, let’s boldly go after the things He cares about. We’re called to step out of our comfort zones, take risks, and reach the lost with the same passion that Jesus has.

3 Part Series

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Related: The Invitation (Small Group Series)

Assets & Files

God has an incredible purpose and role for each of us within the body of Christ! As we fully commit to following Him, let's not forget where He’s headed—straight to the sick, the broken, and the lost. Jesus is on a mission to bring hope and salvation, and He’s calling us to join Him! As we chase after Christ, let’s boldly go after the things He cares about. We’re called to step out of our comfort zones, take risks, and reach the lost with the same passion that Jesus has.

Part 1: Your Divine Assignment

Everyone has an assignment, whether that’s homework you do outside of class or your role in a job. Your assigned position matters, especially in the Kingdom of God. In todays message, we’ll explore what the Bible has to say about what our God-given assignment is and how to carry it out!

Part 2: Revival is Possible

In a doubtful society, God is still working and revival is still possible.

Part 3: Filled to Witness

In order to do anything in the Kingdom of God, we have to be first moved by the Holy Spirit! In today's message, we'll hear how you can practically be filled to share the gospel.

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