Youth Small Group Series

What Would Jesus Be Like?

Small Group Lesson

Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah revealed what kind of character Jesus would have. By seeing Jesus’ personality and behavior through the lens of Isaiah, students will better understand Jesus’ passionate mission. They’ll also be challenged to deepen their commitment to him as a result.

Lesson Objectives

  1. WHAT: Even before Jesus was born, his identity as a king and his character as a ruler had already been described.

  2. WHY: Because Isaiah saw the character of the coming Messiah, we have a glimpse into the integrity and passion of Jesus.

  3. HOW: Students will explore Isaiah’s prophetic description of the Messiah, how Jesus fulfills this, and the implications for followers of Jesus today.

Primary Scripture: Isaiah 11:1-10

Secondary Scriptures: Luke 1:30-33 and Romans 5:1

Let’s spend a few minutes exploring this Scripture passage that mentions kings, stumps, branches, wolves, lions, babies, and snakes. We’ll try to figure out what this is all about!

1. Jesus’ background reveals important truths about his identity

What are some interesting things you know about your ancestors? What famous or interesting people are part of your family tree?

Look at verse 1. What’s the significance of the Messiah descending from King David? What do you think Isaiah means by “stump” and “branch”?

Look at verse 2. What role would the Holy Spirit have in the life of the promised Messiah? Why is this an important quality for Jesus to have?

How does this passage match up with some things you know about Jesus’ life?

Isaiah served during a time when several kings rejected God, mistreated poor people, lied to keep power, and committed terrible atrocities. In contrast to this, Isaiah announced that Jesus’ kingdom would be refreshingly different.

2. Jesus’ rule is marked by incredible integrity and passion

Reread verses 1-5. What kind of king would the Messiah be?

Describe some of the actions of integrity this Messiah would perform. How do they make you feel about Jesus’ rule as our King?

How does this compare to the reputation of political leaders today?

If Jesus were on earth today, do you think he could get elected to a leadership position? Why or why not? What might people think of Jesus as a leader?

Which quality of Jesus’ leadership do you personally like or want the most? How would it change your life—and the lives of people around you? Explain.

Isaiah’s vision of Jesus’ kingdom was unlike any the world had ever known. It would restore remarkable peace that the world hadn’t seen since Creation.

3. Jesus’ rule will result in an astonishing outcome: salvation

To show how amazing Jesus’ rule would be, Isaiah described an incredible picture of wolves, lions, babies, and snakes. What’s going on?!

What’s your immediate reaction to verses 6-9, especially if you’ve never encountered these verses before? Which part stands out to you as the most outlandish, and why?

Through this vision, what point do you think God was making through Isaiah?

Look at verse 9. Why will it be good for the earth to be filled with “people who know the Lord”?

In verse 10, why will people from all over the world want to follow Jesus? What will they gain from his rule in their lives?

BGroup Questions

  1. What kind of reassurance does this lesson give you about Jesus, our King?

  2. Which quality of Jesus’ rule are you most eager to share with other people?

  3. As a follower of Jesus, which of his qualities can you put into practice, and how?

TAKE ACTION: Memorize this Scripture this week! “Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us” (Romans 5:1).

**Leaders, leave 3-5 minutes for prayer at the end of your group time. 

Youth Small Group Series

Have you ever wondered why Jesus asked questions? Didn’t he know “all things” anyway? Throughout the Gospels, we see Jesus asking hundreds of questions—everything from “What is your name?” to “Who do you say that I am?” What if Jesus wasn’t asking questions just to get an answer? What if there was something greater at work?

This small group series for youth will engage in conversations about some of the questions Jesus asked. Teenagers will encounter Jesus’ desire to engage them on a truly relational level—a relationship based on dialogue and conversations.

Small Group Lessons

Bethany Church

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